Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Diary Post Thirteen: January

This month so far has been the busiest yet: I've been editing my footage on Adobe Premiere Pro, ready to be exported and then edited further in Adobe After Effects. So far things are going well, although I have had some problems with the technological side of things; due to the high quality of my footage, many of the computers I have tried to work on are running too slowly and crashing. As a result I have moved on to using CS5, which seems to have solved the problem. I am planning on re-shooting my music video on 9th February as by this point I should have made enough of my video to know what needs to be re-shot. This shoot will again have three out of my four models due to other commitments, but they are a different four to the first shoot: Daniella, Becca and Amy. I have already planned some of the ideas for the shots that I want to do (for example, I want a blender blending fruit for the line 'I want a girl with the smooth liquidation') but I will write up a more detailed plan of the shots and props nearer the time.