I know the holidays are definitely over now, but I wanted to do this post after I had finished all the work I wanted to talk about. Over the summer I did some more thinking about an idea for my music video, and I decided that the idea I had for Short Skirt/Long Jacket by Cake (see Diary Entry One) would be very effective if done well and also fairly simple to do, especially in comparison to other ideas I have had. The idea was basically that I would use many female models and shoot them in extreme close-up, visually representing the lyrics. For example, when the lyrics say "eyes that burn like cigarettes", the video would show one of the model's eyes, followed by another's lips blowing out cigarette smoke, or something similar. This would also take inspiration from the OK Go video that I also mentioned in my first diary entry, which uses visual representations of the lyrics by zooming in on objects, e.g. when the singer shouts "hey!", the video cuts to a bale of hay. My video might also use a band, also filmed in extreme close-up, so that when the song begins with the bass line, I could show it being played on the bass. However, I first need to find a band that would be willing to learn the song. Additionally I would like the focus of the video to be more on the models than the band. For this video I could make use of the HD cameras available at school, as well as the studio lighting.
So, as I had pretty much decided on a song, I analysed the lyrics, which I did by printing them out, scribbling all over them and scanning them back in, a habit I have picked up from English Literature. This process was particularly important for my music video as I'm focusing on visual representations of the lyrics, so I think it's vital that I work to understand the lyrics (and the themes and ideas presented by them) if I want my video to be successful.
Another piece of work that I have been working on is my location recce, which I have not yet uploaded as I wanted to take some photos of locations around school that I could use, e.g. the OK Go video that I have already mentioned uses an empty bingo hall, a look that I could recreate using an empty school gym. Once I have added these photos then I will upload that too, which should hopefully be in the next week.
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